Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Today I am feeling really crappy. There is just too much going on, too much to worry and think about that is driving me a little insane. I cant worry or control everything. I just cant. It isnt humanly possible and is driving me a little nuts at the moment.First of all, i am organising the whole office party. I know and am expecting that there will be those people that will not be truly satisfied with the whole function - but that is just there bad. However it is the fact that they can complain about the most pettiest of things is what is really working on my nerves. I unfortunately am a real people pleaser. I will go to the ends of the earth to make everyone happy or rather I will attempt to. But there are times when there is only so much I can do. I mean really - this is one function that is supposed to be fun - I mean it is the end of the year for crying out loud. I guess there really is no pleasing some people.Than I have my personal life to contend with. Yes things are fine but are they really. Things are so complicated where T and my families are concerned that sometimes I just wish that it was only him and I on this earth and nobody else. I just wish for once that things can be uncomplicated and easy and simple, instead of a grind that is just too hard to comprehend sometimes. I am feeling really crappy today - crappy in the sense that I feel tired, listless and out of it. I am feeling pretty emotional and it feels like the worlds weight are heavily resting on my shoulders. And work pressures are not the end of it either.

I just feel like everything is so weird right now.....


boldly benny said...

Shame love - sounds like we're in similar places. Confused, emotional and stressed. We'll get through this, I think the end of a very difficult year is taking its toll on us but we'll do this.
I printed out a calander from today until I go on leave on 20 Dec (roughly six weeks) and noted everything I need to do. It just helped me feel like I have a handle on the work side of things.
As for the personal life... we're emotional beings but we'll sort through it.

Zee said...

You are so right. This has been a really trying year and as the end of the year looms, it is even worse. I think a calendar marking all the events and to do's is a really great idea.

You right about the emotional beings bit - sometimes though I wish that things were just a little bit easier...