Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I almost called in sick yesterday but at the last minute decided to rather come in to work cos you know how things go down here. If you not here for even an hour things usually go awry and the entire department collapses. By 15:30 I was ready to pack up and go home. I was exhausted after having no weekend. In fact today is none the better. Also the fact that work has been such a drag lately is really not doing much for my energy levels.

This past weekend was a whirlwind of events. On Friday night we were invited for supper to T's friend's house. The one who didn't invite me to her bridal shower etc etc etc. Anyway her wedding was on Saturday night, so we were invited for dinner the Friday night. Saturday night was the wedding and I spent the morning preparing for Sunday, than visited my mum and than came home to get ready for the wedding. The wedding was lovely. Small and plain but nice. I was rather peeved when the entire centerpiece filled with blue water toppled over and nearly ruined my clothes. There I was sitting and enjoying dessert when these stupid children leaned over and the whole vase came towards me like a wave ready to topple. I moved but not before my entire chair was filled with water not to mention my skirt and a small portion of my shirt. Luckily my skirt was black and its a really strange fabric because in no time it was dry. That really put a damper on the evening and all I wanted to do was now go home.

On Sunday the in-laws left for overseas but not after the dad invited all his friends for lunch. The mum decided on a braai, and I ended up doing almost everything again as everyone certainly lacks initiative. Their flight was at 10pm so we only came home at 10:30 from the airport. Pheew am I glad that they aren't here for the next 3 weeks. What peace - it's like heaven.

As for work - I am just so tired and inspired. I am not sure when the other position is going to be advertised cos the whole restructuring process only ends next week Monday. I am just soooo tired of the crap that goes on here and if that position doesn't work out I will seriously need to re-think what I am going to do because I just can't stay on here doing this anymore.

I think that, that is enough griping from me.


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