Thursday, April 24, 2008

My week in a blur

What a week this has been. I almost called in sick this morning out of sheer exhaustion. The only thing that is making me feel a tad bit better is that next week is going to be just great with all the holidays. I have spent the better part of this week at one of our other offices with this cow of a woman who felt that she had every right to undermine my ability as well as my knowledge. Until she met me that is. Suddenly she was being so nice and even indirectly apologised for her fussy ways. I was irritated nonetheless. At least I wont have to see her for a long time. Thank heavens for that.

Monday was my birthday. Pity that I had to work and work really hard. But the day was fine. I was too tired from the weekend to do anything and Monday's are usually really hard for me and I really didn't want to do anything except chill. And that is what T and I did. It was cool. Shame he had planned to take me out for lunch but because I was so swamped at work I couldn't. And the rest of the week has just gone by in a work and stress filled blur.

I did think back to LAST YEAR where my BIRTHDAY was filled with lies, pain, deceit and far-fetched stories that made me to think that my life was totally over. I sometimes wonder who was conspiring against T and I, cos to be honest it was the interference from other sources that really caused havoc. Not to mention the slutty girl who thought that T was fair game the minute she heard him and I were broken up and tried very hard to get him to marry her. Anyway that is the past but there are times when I am transported back to that horrible place. I am just like that where I will think back and say last year this time I was doing this or that. It's not living in the past, it's just measuring where I was and what I was doing compared to where I am right now. But I don't like to dwell too much on the past as it kind of hampers on the future.

I had an interview at some company today. I withdrew my application. The position is for a graduate person and the salary they are offering is the same as what I am currently on. I did inform the agency through which I applied about the salary issue. Her answer was that yes even if they give you a small increase its fine they will maybe increase it after 6 or 12 months. Ummmm I don't think so. Than I might as well stay here. Besides all the duties listed in the job spec are stuff that I have done ages ago and actually outgrew. Soooo I withdrew - she wasn't too thrilled with me. But agencies are like that - they really annoy me at times.

I am still very much in the job market but it is so slow at the moment and I just feel that I can be picky about what I want to do. So I hope that something comes up soon - cos I don't think I want to stay here and be everyone's skivvy. This past week was rather challenging and to be honest I love a challenge however this lady that I had to deal with is one of the most difficult people I know and she really doesn't bend an inch. It is frustrating and it made me feel very undermined and inferior.

I have a pile of admin to do - Better get cracking.


Sweets said...

busy busy busy... hope you have a great weekend to unwind and enjoy yourself, ask T to take you for that lunch anyway :)

Zee said...

Hi Sweets....


You have a great weekend too.


AngelConradie said...

i am so glad this year is an improvement on last yrear!