Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fun Times....

I began a post on Friday afternoon, but work always stands in the way between me and blogging. Hmmm priorities.....

Friday was a really interesting day. The dramas with Marsha finally came to a head. Her poor performance issues were referred to the Employee Relations dept which led into a disciplinary enquiry which ultimately led to her dismissal on Friday. Nowhere during all this was I involved, but I had to be the one to tell her that we are not confirming her employment any longer and she will have to leave right away. She resisted signing any documents and when I asked her to complete a termination pack she became rather difficult. I had to explain to her that the termination pack is standard practice for anyone leaving the organisation and finally after numerous calls to her lawyer, she signed.

I than had to go with her to her office and watch while she cleared up her things and than had to escort her out the building. I decided not to get into any conversations with her and rather just did the motions. I don't trust her as she has on numerous occasions told people stuff that I have said when I didn't. Finally the drama is over, for now though, as she made it very clear that she will be referring this matter to the CCMA. I know that our ER dept is very good at dealing with stuff like this but am not sure if we will be involved at all. It all seems like a bad dream that is finally over but the mess that she has left will clearly be present for a while. I still cant get over the fact that she clearly does not think she did anything wrong. She still believes that we are out to get her and she did nothing wrong. Pheew!!!

Yesterday we were invited to a friends bridal shower. Actually it's my best friend's sister who is getting married and so they had a little hen party for her. To be quite honest it was really boring and most of the things fell pretty flat. The theme was glitz and glamour with pink, silver or purple. Everyone had to dress up and with the weather being really crap it was quite hard deciding what to wear. It was fun getting together with my friend Niks who lives in PE now. Gosh I miss her and although we talk quite often its different. The highlight for us was when we had to play a game where we all had to take a piece of paper with a number written on it. We were not allowed to tell each other what our numbers were. Niks and I shared our numbers and were quite chuffed that we had the same number 00.

Than we had to go outside, take one shoe off and put in in the middle. The aim of the game was that if your number was called, you would have to rush to the middle, grab your shoe and make your way back to your place. The first one back would win a prize. By than Niks and I realised that everyone had the same number and we psyched ourselves to rush first and grab our shoes. As the host called out the number 8 everyone rushed to grab their shoes except Niks and I. The magic number was 8 and not 00. We read it incorrectly. We really felt like 2 tarts. This was vintage Niks and I. We were always like this dof and a little on the blonde side.

Oh well it was fun but to be quite honest a little corny and boring. Visiting the place where I grew up is always a nostalgic experience cos I really had the most amazing childhood and growing up was what movie experiences are made off. Just the fact that I got to spend some time with Niks - was enough to make the day a memorable one.....

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